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Updated May 6/12

These Allison Owners are listed on the Allison Owners List.
Check their listings for more pics.  Click thumbnails for larger photos - click on their e-mail link to send them an e-mail. 

Saltzman1.jpg (24755 bytes) ChrisP1.jpg (24718 bytes)
CoCo - LA C150 - OK

RWard1.jpg (20808 bytes) Gilham3.jpg (16961 bytes) Shane2.jpg (28612 bytes)

Rward69 - NC

Allyfishing - PA

Resqu-u - NC

Sanches6.jpg (80409 bytes) RussB1.jpg (31652 bytes) Gunter3.jpg (36734 bytes)
Swimbaitkid - CA RB in NM K-DAWG  - GA

KSnyder2.jpg (38639 bytes) RickyS2.jpg (25051 bytes) Shook3.jpg (39258 bytes)
KenS - GA Ricky S - FL Shook - NC

JeffSC1.jpg (46090 bytes) NEdwards1.jpg (28624 bytes) JoeL4.jpg (44802 bytes)
Jeff - SC Neal - MS JOEALLY - AL

JerryS2.jpg (23377 bytes) KentM2.jpg (26760 bytes) Curry1.jpg (27145 bytes)

Jerry - NC

Kent - MN

Curry - LA

GReynolds1.jpg (37549 bytes) MKelleyAllison1.jpg (25400 bytes)
Grandlakegar - OK Fishnfireman - TX