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Updated October 19/14

Norwich Fish Beach Pond, Amos Lake, Pachaug Pond and Lower CT river in the fall. If you are near Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun and want to sneak out for a few hours during the week would be happy to take you out. 
Fishing a 2004 201 Stratos.
Jerry Martin
Simsbury Fish CT River, Candlewood, Moodus (great crappies!).
All over including Lake Champlain VT.
Love fishing for pike and would be great to share my passion and learn from others.
Southbury Fish Candlewood, Lillinonah, Zoar and CT River.
We offer guided day trips to suit any level of angler. Just email site for fishing info, questions or pricing.
Thanks Jason
Jason Cuda
Waterford Fish Connecticut lakes. Jchung0415
John Chung
Watertown Fish Candlewood, Zoar, Lillinoah. I am relatively new to bass fishing. I have a Stratos 282 and I fish on Mondays and Tuesdays all season long. Sirgarlic
Bill Kenny